Steps And Tips To Follow Before Choosing  A Moving Company

Steps And Tips To Follow Before Choosing A Moving Company

Are you planning to move your house? We got you! It is a daunting task to choose the best moving marketplace in UAE. The more options, the more challenging it becomes to select the best moving marketplace in UAE. To avoid, loss or damage of property, late arrival of movers, faulty charges, and not sticking […]

 best moving marketplace in UAE, is UAE’s NO. 1 Moving Marketplace!

Are you planning to move your house? We got you! It is a daunting task to choose the best moving marketplace in UAE. The more options, the more challenging it becomes to select the best moving marketplace in UAE. To avoid, loss or damage of property, late arrival of movers, faulty charges, and not sticking to the quotations, you would like to hire only the best international movers and packers in Dubai. Sit tight, as we take you through these very simple steps that will help you save lots of time, effort, money and did we mention; Stress?

Here is How To Choose The Best Moving Marketplace in UAE

The Golden Rule of Threes-

We encourage you to ask the moving companies for at least three different estimates. These might be from the best moving marketplace in UAE, like Smoove, giving you estimates from three different service providers or you by yourself requesting them differently, from different companies. To receive the most accurate quote, you will be required to survey either in person or virtually all your belongings that need to be moved.

Verify Their Legal Existence-

The Government issues the licensed and the best moving marketplace in UAE, with various legal documents of proof. If you’re moving with them, make sure you check all their details. In case, you are hiring them from the best moving marketplace in UAE, like Smoove, then you might skip this step, as the moving company is responsible for prequalifying them before putting them on board.

best moving marketplace in UAE is UAE’s No.1 Moving Marketplace!

Trust The Power of Referrals-

Start your hunt for the best moving marketplace in UAE by asking for free quotes from them. Go ahead and ask your neighbors, friends, colleagues and family if they can recommend you the best moving marketplace in UAE. We suggest you preferably ask your real estate agent for the most trustworthy referral. Moving marketplaces in UAE, like Smoove, offer discounts to the customers on orders booked via real estate agents’ referrals. This would not only help you choose a trusted moving service provider, but also help you save some extra money on your order.

Ask Them About Their Professional Standing-

The best moving marketplace in UAE , hire office packers and movers in Abu Dhabi, or elsewhere, after conducting diligent tests and quality assurance surveys. They provide the companies with a membership or approved seal. Look for a moving company that is hired by an accredited moving marketplace. This helps in saving you the extra time to conduct legal and quality assurance tests on the selected moving company.

Ask The Company for Their Address-

To compare movers and packers in UAE, it is a good practice to ask the moving company for their business card. You can do this by yourself by searching their website and then searching the given address online. You need to make sure that the moving company’s address is officially registered and included under the names of the firms that are legally licensed to provide moving and packing services. You should avoid if the name is under a residential space as their legality is questionable.

Be Cautious About These Things-

 best moving marketplace in UAE is UAE’s No.1 Moving Marketplace

Go through the estimates provided by the packing and moving services in Dubai, very carefully. An eminent company would not quote extra money for services that are usually included in the moving service. If you intuit that the mover is only bothered about making money and might compromise on the quality of service, it is better to take a step back.

Also, during the survey, have a closer look at how professional the mover behaves. Note, if the movers have arrived in uniform, and their own company’s vehicle or a rented one, a reputable moving company will have its own vans/trucks. If they arrive late for the survey, can’t assure about their quality of service, or are unable to assist you with your queries, it is time you consider hiring another house packers and movers in Dubai or elsewhere.

Check With Google-

Research the track record of office movers and packers in Dubai on Google. Go with the companies that are rated and reviewed highly. If the villa movers and packers in Dubai or any other place, that you’re searching for does not have compelling reviews, we suggest you move on to looking for those house packers and movers in Dubai that are. These steps should be considered to help yourself choose the best moving services. But this is not it, we feel like you deserve to know a few tips too, whilst you are on your hunt for the best moving company. These tips will help make your task a bit easier.

Critically examine the mover-

Ensure that the villa movers and packers in Abu Dhabi, you’re selecting are registered and insured. Regulations vary based on the scale of operations of the given company. Search online on various platforms for customer reviews and company’s profile. If the company is the one referred to you by others, check with them, about their experience and history with the mover.

Ask for recommendations from your friends and family if they have referred the moving company to you. To be extra sure, you can ask the Moving company to provide you with references from their end. Ask them to share the references of customers who have availed their services, recently. You can then proceed to contact their previous clients and ask all of them about their experience and quality of services related questions about their order.

Ask The Mover To Create Inventory For All Your Belongings-

The right house packers and movers in Dubai will closely maintain a record of all your belongings. This can be done by two methods, either by an in-person survey or online, through a virtual survey. This implies that they note down and tally each and every space in the house, like all the rooms, storage rooms and storage areas, for example; drawers, cupboards, bookshelves and more.

Any items that are required to be moved from areas like backyard or garden should not be left. Make sure that you record every single thing you wish to be moved, as the moving company’s quotation will be based on the total weight of the items and the space they will be requiring in the vehicle. Also, be very specific with the items that you do not wish to move to your new place. As this will affect the price of the estimate. All this is crucial, in obtaining the accurate estimate for your order.

Request for a detailed, written estimate-

Ask for quotes from various moving companies, once you receive them, compare them closely. Look if there is a company that is offering you a discount or an offer. An added benefit of going with moving marketplaces like, Smoove, is that they save you the hassle of going to different service providers, surveying items differently for all of them, as the marketplace itself does that for you, by just a single survey. We advise you to receive more than two quotes from different companies.

Tips to protect yourself from scams.

This might be the least talked about tip but is as important or even more than others. These are rare incidents but not impossible. Sometimes a mover would hostage your belongings and not give them back until you agree to pay two or three times the agreed estimate. Some movers change the moving quotation right at the last minute, which implies, you are now supposed to pay them way more the original estimate.

At times, movers will make faulty charges for baseless reasons, just to make you pay more money to get your items back. The mover does not deliver your items, on the time claimed to. Or maybe deliver with few items missing from them. All these are various ways of scamming people by some outrageous movers. Which is why we recommend you to choose legalised moving companies.

We hope these steps and tips will help you in making your move easy and shedding some stress off from you! Visit our blog on tips to save money to help yourself save money while moving to your new home. Watch out our space at Smoove, for more information like this.

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