Buying Furniture for Your New Home? Avoid These Common Mistakes

Buying Furniture for Your New Home? Avoid These Common Mistakes

Looking for the best movers in Abu Dhabi? Planning to move to a new home and also looking for furniture for the new home. However, in excitement, many homeowners end up with furniture that they regret later. Since our motto at Smoove is to make your life before, during, and after the move easier and […]

Looking for the best movers in Abu Dhabi? Planning to move to a new home and also looking for furniture for the new home. However, in excitement, many homeowners end up with furniture that they regret later. Since our motto at Smoove is to make your life before, during, and after the move easier and stress-free, we are going to help you avoid any mistakes that many people make when buying furniture.

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1. Not Measuring Your Space

No matter how affordable or nice a new furniture piece is, it is useless for you if it doesn’t go through your doorway or fit into your space. So, before finalizing the best movers in Abu Dhabi, make sure that you measure:

  • The height and width of all the doorways through which you will be bringing your furniture
  • The dimensions of the room where you want to place the furniture
  • The ideal size of the furniture you want in the room so that there is enough space to walk and move around freely

It will be helpful if you map out the furniture arrangement by using some masking or painter’s tape.

2. Not measuring your elevator

Many old buildings have small elevators, and some do not have service elevators for the ease of the best movers in Abu Dhabi, in this case, it is wise to take the measurement of the elevator and provide it to the furniture shop to ensure that the furniture can fit in the elevator. Else some time it is not even possible to carry it on stairs and might cause damage and cost you more for manual handling. Some furniture shops will not refund the amount in these cases and will provide you with a voucher which you can use later.

If you live in apartments it is always advisable to by moderate size furniture as you never know the sizes of the rooms and the elevator in the next building you may move to in the future.

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3. Buying Furniture That Doesn’t Meet Your Family Needs

Before hiring the best movers in Abu Dhabi, many new homeowners often buy furniture without considering their lifestyle. When you visit a furniture store, you will find several trendy furniture items that will win your heart at first glimpse. But when you have a family, you need to think about how it will impact your daily life and the safety of your family, including you.

For instance, if you have children or pets or are planning to grow your family soon, you might want to choose furniture items with durable fabrics that resist everyday spills, odors, sharp claws, or muddy paws.   You will want to think twice about that modish glass table with sharp edges; otherwise, it could become a hazard for toddlers. In case you love to host parties at home often, you will want a larger dining table.

4. Not Thinking About Furniture Maintenance

When buying furniture, you must always consider your willingness to clean and maintain it. If you are a busy person, you will want furniture items that you can clean easily. If you are budgeting for high-end furniture pieces, you must remember that they may require more care than you might have anticipated. Before buying new furniture and shortlisting the best movers in Abu Dhabi, know the type of care it needs in the short and long term, and what cleaning materials can and cannot be used to clean the furniture.

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5. Compromising Comfort over Style

You will surely find various furniture options that will give your home that Pinterest look you’ve been drooling over for quite some time. Of course, style is important but you should always prioritize comfort over style. Since furniture is something that you will be using for several years, having stylish but uncomfortable furniture will only become a headache for you.  After a long tiring day, you will want to crash on a bed or couch that is comfortable and not just beautiful. The same goes for cupboards. Instead of getting just a good-looking cupboard, choose a beautiful cupboard with sufficiently deep racks. Ensure, that before hiring the best movers in Abu Dhabi, you’ve got this in check.

6. Not Getting Professional Assistance to Move Furniture

Many homeowners spend a significant amount of money on new furniture but hesitate when it comes to moving that furniture from the outlet store to their apartments. As a result, in the process of moving and assembling furniture, many of them end up with damaged or broken furniture. To ensure that your furniture arrives and is assembled at your home safely, look for the best furniture movers and packers in the UAE at Smoove. Some moving companies in the UAE not only help with furniture moving and packing but also help get the new furniture to your room and assemble it properly and safely. To find and compare the best movers in Abu Dhabi or anywhere in the UAE, visit or download the Smoove app now.

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