Tips To Make The Moving Process With Kids Easier.

Tips To Make The Moving Process With Kids Easier.

Planning a move and choosing the best movers in Dubai is already a stressful task and planning it along with kids is a greater challenge. Will moving the house be a trouble to your child as well? Will you be able to manage all the moving prerequisites along with taking care of your child? Will […]

Planning a move and choosing the best movers in Dubai is already a stressful task and planning it along with kids is a greater challenge. Will moving the house be a trouble to your child as well? Will you be able to manage all the moving prerequisites along with taking care of your child? Will the child be able to adjust to the disturbed routine on moving days? No matter if your child is an infant or a teen, the moving process is always overwhelming for the kids.

Don’t stress! You’ve landed to the right blog! We know you are already struggling to find the best movers in Dubai, and we don’t want to cause you any more stress. We have discovered several ways of overcoming the anxiety that transitioning to a new house, causes. Here we are, sharing a few of them to make your move as stress free as possible, not only for you but for your kids as well. Read ahead!

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Things to do before choosing the best movers in Dubai, chronologically.

The tips mentioned under this topic, will help your kids gain an understanding of the move, and make them relate to it better. This will help them to get ready to adapt to the new and often big change, that is to come;

Two Months Before The Move-

Get your kids, books related to, moving and packing. If the kids are too young to read books, by themselves, try to narrate them stories about the process of moving and packing. There are many books like this especially published for children. You can access them online, or even at your nearest library and bookstores. “Trigger’s Moving Day” is one of my favorite books from this lot.

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Start discussing the move with your kids. You might invite them to give their suggestions or help you compare movers and packers in Dubai or elsewhere, which will make them intrigued. By making your kids a part of the process of searching movers and packers in Dubai, you will be able to make them aware of the upcoming change and this will make them comfortable with it, as well. At this stage you need to make sure, that you are listening to them and patiently solving any queries they have regarding this topic.

Start looking up for Schools and Universities in the city or area you plan to move. If your kids are old enough for school, we encourage you to start researching the best schools for them at this stage. Search the schools that cater to your preference. Do you want a public school or a private ones; do you want American curriculum or British and so on.

Make a bucket list. If you are searching for best movers in Dubai, to move out of the city, ask the kids to make a bucket list of all the places they wish to visit and all the things they wish to do, before leaving the city. This will be a lot of fun not only for the kids but you as well, and a much-needed leisure before the chaos of moving and packing. But more so, this activity will help in providing the kids with the closure that they deserve before leaving the city.

Start searching for other extracurricular activities for your kids. Look for camps that offer family activities as this will help in making your kids adjust to the new community. There are various options to choose from such as summer camps, winter camos, swimming, martial arts, sports clubs and so many more. If the kids are old enough, ask them to research and select the ones they are interested in, the most.

Contact the children’s current school for official documentation. If you have selected a school in the new area, then you will need the transfer certificates from the current school, to enroll the kids in the new one.

One month before the move-

Look up and finalize on a babysitter for the kids, on the day of moving.  If you are moving with infants or very young kids, it is very crucial to book a child day care, weeks in advance! Once you are done selecting best movers in Dubai, you have to be mentally prepared. You are going to be extremely busy on the day of move, at this stage the babysitter will be a great help and relieve you from at least one chore.


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Finalize the Moving company you want to move with. In UAE, there are innumerable movers to choose from. But before selecting best movers in Dubai, we suggest you head on to our blog at Smoove, which helps you select the best movers in Dubai. You can also check Smoove, a moving marketplace in UAE, which saves you the hassle of in person surveys by conducting virtual surveys and provides you not one but multiple quotes from the best movers and packers in Abu Dhabi and all other Emirates. Look for the best movers in Dubai. Finalize the one who’s services suit you the most.

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Take care of the medical records. Inform your child’s doctor about the move. Request for any medical documents required. Request for referrals from the current healthcare provider, for the new area. Once done, arrange all the medical records and book appointments with doctors or dentists, in the new area, if required.


Host a farewell party at your current house, inviting your children’s friends. This will again be a part of providing them closure. Saying goodbye to friends, your kids have known all their life, is not going to be easy. To make this process a tad bit easier for them, host a farewell party for them. Make sure you invite all their friends from school, neighborhood, activity classes and others.

One day before the move-

Do not stress. Your children, like all children, no matter how young can read and pick your emotions. More so, when the parent is anxious or stressed. Prepare yourself for this moment, well in advance and try to keep as calm as possible, while the movers are carrying out the packing, loading and unloading process.

Prepare an overnight bag for kids. One day before, make sure that you make an essentials bag for your kids and for yourself as well. We suggest that a bag like this is prepared for every family member. If you have a toddler, there are so many essentials that you need to be mindful of. Wipes, tissues, sanitizers, diapers, feeders, baby food, medicines, ointments and so much more! Even with younger kids you need to keep their favorite toys, snacks, water bottles, blankets, devices that support games and so much more. Make sure you include everything, that your child might need on the day of movement or a day after it.

On the day of the move-

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Plan activities for kids. You can keep their favorite books and board games in their essential bags. This will help keep the children busy and entertained while staying at the same place for a long duration of time.

Keep the kids away. If God Forbid, you couldn’t find a child day care, then you will be required to keep the kids away. Packed play areas for toddlers and infants go well. Or make the kids stay in the room that has gotten vacant. The kids should not come in direct contact of the movers, for safety reasons.

We hope that these tips will help you in planning your move with your kids. For more tips related to moving, head on to Smoove, to get the best offers for your next move and also to access similar blogs like these. Our previous blog helps you with tips you need in order to select the best international movers and packers in UAE.

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